
Buzz off Ykos attendees

So, you had a big party.  You got to watch all the Presidential wanabees give their speeches, each one searching your faces for flickers of approval.  So you greeted each kossack like long lost friends, saying how you never expected someone who wrote so brilliantly to also be so attractive.  You had a few drinks together.  And after a few more, you compared notes on who had the most revealing chat in the hall with your new pals, Johny, Barry, Hilly and Denny.  

And we stay-at-homes are now expected to be hanging on every word from you insiders.  Yeah, we who were stuck in our studio apartments in the teeming city or sterile McMansions in the burbs,  all over the country-but not in Chicago, where it was all happening.  Gee, maybe we will be treated to some more inside information, some more tid-bits.  Gee, I just can't wait!

You want me to believe that you all had such a terrific time?   Weren't there any fights.  Didn't anybody come on to someone and get shot down—brutally, you know, really devastated like what happens on comments here. 

How about after a sharing a few drinks after the last event, when the conversation naturally turns to the viability of a pure progressive movement in the face of widespread voter apathy compounded by the ascendancy of amygdala mediated pre-cognitive responses to policy initiatives?  Will she, or he respond with, “I'm not sure that I completely understand you since it is so intelligent, but maybe you could explain it in more detail later on.”   Or was it a scornful,  “Your obvious attempt at erudition as a mask for your utter vacuity is pathetic.”   You know, like those comments that I always get!

So, Ykos attendees, I've had it up to here with your “good times,”  “new friends” and brilliant personal insights from your close encounters with the candidates.  If I hear another analysis of  a speech capped with  “I was there” I will puke.  Didn't anyone have a lousy time?  I want to hear of disappointments, overpriced restaurants, arrogant people, insults, devastated egos, lost wallets, missed planes...... 

Didn't anyone come home with a strange rash that they didn't have when they left?  Come on.  Throw us outsiders a bone, here.   Make us feel how smart we were to have stayed home, rather than risk interacting with real flesh and blood people. 

Now get back to your computers and write those diaries and comments like the rest of us.   Your moment of glory is over for at least another year. 

Aug 6, 2007

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